5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Grade 9

Grade 9. People's best opportunity to make fun of your tininess when you're getting pushed around in the hallway, laugh at your lack of ability to open a lock ("wait, this isn't even my locker, is it?") and observe your complete confusion as to where your classes are. It can be a scary and unpredictable year, especially if you don't have any older sibling to turn to, where it is easy to just believe every high school stereotype you see in movies. So understand; this won't be anything like High School Musical, Clueless or The Breakfast Club. You are not Sharpay Evans, and there are no pink lockers at this school. After finishing, more like surviving, my grade 9 year I have compiled a list of must-know facts for those kids who were just as clueless as I was. I wish upon you a year of discovering new friends, the trick to good marks and, most importantly, a little bit about yourself.